Saturday 7 December 2013

Audio Signal Processing (Exploring GoldWave)

Sampling Rates

Voice - 8,000 Hz
CD - 44,100 Hz
DVD - 48,800 Hz

Typical CD quality is 10 Mb per minute

DR = 20log([Voltage range]/[Quantisation step size]) dB
DR = 20log(216) dB
DR = 96 dB


in this lab i will learn the basics og goldwave by using the copy, paste, cut, delete, trim and different effect options

if the yellow button is pushed the file will start from the end of the highlighted area

highlighted area for editing in audio

the picture below shows the copying process

the picture below shows the out come when you cut the highlighted part of the audio

the picture below shows the out come of when you paste the piece of audio cut from before

the picture below shows the out come of when you delete a piece of audio

the picture below shows the change of the Y amplitude axis numbering between Normalized and dB.

the picture below shows between 10 seconds - 11 seconds (aproxamatly) using the view selection tool

the picture below shows the inverse effect on a word from the audio file.

the picture below shows what happens when you mute a word in the audio file

the pictures below are a before and after shot of the volue changing. the percentage of the volume for the after shot has raised to 141.25



the picture below shows what happens when you add a fade in effect to a word in the audio file

the picture below shows what happens when you add a fade out effect to a word in the audio file

At the end of this lab i have learnt the basics of goldwave by using the copy, paste, cut, delete, trim and different effect options such as fade in and fade out to alter the word file that i was given. Next week i will be learning generating signals with goldwave.

Goldwave download -

Goldwave Overview -

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