Saturday 7 December 2013

Audio/Video Task

In this lab i will show how i can edit a video in moviemake and create then document what i have done in this blog.

For this task i used windows movie moviemaker to edit the video and goldwave to create the audio. as you can see from the link below i trimmed the video to show only the part where the camera man walks through the exhibition, as it is the only part which has a smooth flowing walk through the building. i choose to start with the title of the clip which then fades in from black to shows  to a pan down from the ceiling to reveal the show floor, to then move around the exhibition. I then chose to then finish on a exhibitions description as the clip then fades out to black.

For the audio i chose a simple funky/ upbeat rhythm to make the tour around the show floor more fun and uplifting. I started by searching the the website: , and searched for a funky drum beat, when i found the one i wanted i created a new sound file lasting 1 minute.

I then mixed the drum beat to last the whole one minute file then i chose a funky bass line file to add to the file. I then added the bass line to file making sure that each second matches the drum beat. i didn't add any thing else as i didn't want the track to be overly complicated and ruin the flow of the video. Finaly i changed the volume to -15 dB as you can see in the picture below.

After loading the audio file into moviemaker i edited the video files volume so that the video has no sound to mix with the audio file i then added the audio to the edited video file, after making sure that it all fitted perfectly with each other i exported the file out and uploaded it to youtube.

If i was to ever do this task again i would make sure to have a professional video editing tool to use to make a better quality video and passably record my own track with my own instruments. part from that its went pretty well.

In conclusion I've shown my capabilities in editing a video and creating my own audio in moviemaker and goldwave such as trim, fade out, fade in and mixing then documented my process in this blog. The link to my video on is provided below:

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